Five men — aged 18 to 20 — were injured in a horrific crash after performing dangerous stunts in Al Ruwayyah desert area, the Dubai Police said on Tuesday.”The 19-year-old Emirati driver, identified as M.A.M., had been driving recklessly and performing stunts in the sandy area when he made a sudden swerve, which caused the vehicle to overturn, resulting in injuries to the driver and four passengers,” said Maj-Gen Saif Muhair Al Mazrouei, director of the General Department of Traffic at the Dubai Police.
Traffic patrols immediately took action after receiving a report of the accident at 9pm on Monday, he said. An image provided by the police shows the wrecked SUV, with its windshield and windows smashed (see photo above). The driver and passengers were rushed to a hospital with injuries ranging from severe to moderate, Maj-Gen Al Mazrouei said.
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