One additional week offfered to correct any violation by visitors
Dubai: Kuwait’s Ministry of Interior is implementing stringent regulations, mandating that visitors who overstay their visit visa duration — normally set at one month — along with their sponsors, must correct the violation within an additional week.
Failure to adhere to this rule, coupled with unpaid fines, will lead to the deportation of both the visitor and the sponsor, reinforcing the commitment of Lieutenant General Salem Al Nawaf, the Undersecretary of the Ministry, to uphold the visit visa laws strictly.
In a related development, the ministry initiated a grace period for individuals violating residency regulations, with 652 submissions received on the first day for status regularization before the deadline on June 17.
Of these, 258 were cleared to exit Kuwait, having resolved any legal or financial obligations. The ministry, in collaboration with various departments, is facilitating this process, encouraging violators to regularize their status or exit the country promptly.