Home Africa Great strides as Tanzania marks 62nd anniversary

Great strides as Tanzania marks 62nd anniversary

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TANZANIA marks 62nd independence anniversary today, with plenty to celebrate in a journey filled with remarkable socio-economic achievements. Throughout the different phases of government, from the first to the current sixth phase, the country has made significant progress towards achieving its development goals.

Each government phase has built upon the progress of the previous phase, resulting in continuous development over the past six decades of independent Tanzania. Key sectors such as education, health, communication, water, agriculture, infrastructure and mining have all achieved major milestones, and the country celebrates these accomplishments.

In honour of the 62nd independence anniversary and the successes of this period, President Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan recently delivered a message through Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa. This year, there will be no national celebrations, but Tanzanians will mark the day at regional and district levels.

Instead, President Samia will be launching the process and writing of the National Development Vision 2025-2050 in the capital city of Dodoma. This event will serve as the national commemoration of Independence Day. At the regional level, celebrations will include various social activities and forums to discuss development achievements.

Prime Minister Majaliwa conveyed this message on December 3, when address aims to build a thriving economy, reduce poverty and ensure food security for all its citizens. Agriculture is the main source of food and livelihoods in Tanzania, employing approximately 65 per cent of the population. The sector contributes 27 per cent and 21 per cent, respectively, to Mainland Tanzania’s and Zanzibar’s Gross Domestic Product (URT 2021,SMZ 2020).

Additionally, the sector contributes about 30 per cent of total export revenues and provides 65 per cent of the country’s industrial raw materials. This potential makes agriculture an engine for inclusive growth, significantly contributing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

For the financial year 2023/2024, the budget allocation for agriculture has increased to a staggering 970 billion Tanzanian shillings, compared to the 954 billion allocated in the previous year (2022/2023). In the 2021/2022 financial year, the budget for agriculture was a mere 294 billion Tanzanian shillings. The country has also made significant improvements in the transportation sector, with a reliable road network that connects all regions. With modern and well-built roads, it is now easier to travel from the northern to the southern regions of the country.

According to available data, Tanzania has a total road network of 91,049 kilometers, with 33,012 kilometers being national roads and the remaining 58,037 kilometers as district, urban, and feeder roads. In the mining sector, Tanzania has made significant progress over the past 62 years of independence, thanks to swift regulatory reforms and other measures.

The government has taken radical measures to address loopholes that led to the exploitation of mineral resources by unscrupulous individuals and illicit financial flows within the sector.
Reports indicate that mining is one of the leading economic sectors in the country, accounting for about 50 per cent of total exports. In terms of water services, Tanzania has made great strides in providing access to clean water, significantly easing the burden of water fetching, especially for women.

According to the Ministry of Water, from July 2022 to June 2023, access to water
services in urban areas has increased to an average of 88 percent and is expected to reach 91 per cent by December 2023. In terms of electricity, the Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) was established in 1964 as a public power utility, with efforts to supply electricity to rural areas gaining momentum.

Electricity is seen as an essential element for improving livelihoods in rural areas and reducing rural-urban migration and deforestation. The government established the Rural Energy Agency under the Rural Energy Act to promote and facilitate access to modern energy services in rural areas. Data from the Rural Energy Agency (REA) and TANESCO shows that over 90 per cent of rural dwellers are already connected to power. By the end of November this year, a total of 11,313.

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