The 2023 – 24 UAE Ladies InterClub Challenge (ICC) has now completed its round-robin format.
There were three Leagues each consisting of three Club Teams that were played over the season.
Each team consists of 10 players per team with the best eight individual Stableford scores counting towards the team score with 95% of Course Handicap.
The last match was hosted at The Els Club in League 3 – where defending champions Dubai Creek won the day with 269 points, followed by the home club on 252 points and Montgomerie Golf Club with 219 points.
Leading the Leagues after the three match days to date in each League are: Emirates Golf Club (770), Jumeirah Golf Estates (763) and Dubai Creek (823).
The next part of the Ladies ICC is that all nine teams will participate in the Ladies ICC Cup to be held on 17th April, 2024. The venue for this Finals Day is still to be confirmed.
The format for the Finals Day is the same as the League matches with one change – a 50% enhanced points bonus for the eight qualifying scores of each club team.
Pia Fleury, UAE Coordinator for the Ladies’ Inter-Club Challenge, said, ‘We have had an enjoyable and competitive season to date and congratulations to the leading teams.
“We thank all the participating clubs and the Team Captains for their support and look forward to attracting more club teams next season. The Ladies ICC is open to all UAE golf clubs and is supported by the EGF.”
Defending champions Dubai Creek lead Ladies ICC Challenge
All nine teams to participate in the finals to be held on 17th April
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